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Krotoa, heritage formation and Khoisan indigenous identity in post-apartheid South Africa

Join us to a talk and discussion with Dr. Duane Jethro on Monday, 9th October at 19:00 hour

Duane Jethro is a PhD graduate of the University of Utrecht. His thesis, entitled Aesthetics of Power: Heritage Formation and the Senses in Post-Apartheid South Africa, looked at relationships between heritage, materiality, aesthetics, and the senses. He has published in journals such as Material Religion, African Diaspora and Tourist Studies.

his presentation will look at the indigenous Khoi woman Krotoa’s place in post-apartheid cultural history, particularly in regards to heritage, heritage formation and indigenous identity. It uses the recent Krotoa film as a launch pad for opening discussion about how Krotoa travels in South African popular culture, and then outlines attempts to commemorate her through the erection of monuments, and how indigenous activists contested her legacy in the post-apartheid dispensation. Engaging with questions of heritage, history, gender and indigeneity, the presentation seeks to promote discussion about historical figures like Krotoa and how they are incorporated and memorialised in South Africa’s post-apartheid heritage landscape.

Krotoa – A Khoi woman who worked as a domestic servant in the Van Riebeeck house and a translator for the Dutch authorities. Her marriage was the first recorded union between a ‘native’ and a ‘settler’. She was banished to Robben Island

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