Mayibuye membership hero image


It is no secret that Mayibuye wants to grow into an organisation that South Africans here and in South Africa can be proud of. We need all the support we can get in order to achieve our goals. A more formal participation and commitment from your side would help us a great deal. To come to the point: We would be more than happy if you would join up and formally become a member. You may choose whether you want to be part of Mayibuye as an active member or as a non­active one, depending on what time you have at your disposal. So do please consider and complete this online application form!

Alternatively you could download the PDF Application form

Online Membership Application

I wish to join the Mayibuye Südafrika Community e.V.
Membership Fee: EURO 30 per person / annum

Membership will be confirmed once the payment is received.

Mayibuye Südafrika Community e.V. is registered as: gemeinnütziger Verein
Amtsgericht: Berlin-Charlottenburg, Registration No. VR 33773 B
Membership fees and donations are tax deductable in Germany.

NB.: All personal information is intended for internal use only and shall not be distributed outside of Mayibuye

Please transfer to:

Account Holder: Mayibuye Südafrika Community e.V.

Account IBAN: DE29 4306 0967 1173 6646 00
Bank: GLS Bank

or contact Mayibuye to arrange a cash payment.