100 Years of Mandela. His centenary, what legacy?

He was born Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, but to South Africans, he is simply Tata Madiba. On July 19, 2018, as part of the Mandela centenary celebrations, the Nelson-Mandela Foundation photo exhibition,
The Shebeen

Closing event of the year with South African Photography Exhibition, guest from S.A, Live Performances, Video Installation, Skype calls, S.A
Mandla Langa book reading Review

On 14 July 2018, Mayibuye Südafrika Community e.V. had the unique opportunity of hosting the renowned South African novelist and journalist, Mandla Langa, for a book reading and discussion of the above mentioned book.
The Rise of Xenophobic Attacks on Foreign Nationals in South Africa

Already In April 2015, Mayibuye published an article which raised deep concerns about the appalling acts of violence and deaths which had been perpetrated by South Africans on – largely – African foreign nationals who were living in South Africa.
Homage to James Madhlope Phillips (1919 – 1987)

James Madhlope Phillips was one of South Africa’s greatest heroes. His commitment to the cause of liberation, justice and equality reigned first and foremost.
A review by Sacks Stuurman: Lecture on Race in Post 1994 South Africa by Prof. Zimitri Erasmus

As part of our centennial celebrations of Nelson Mandela, Mayibuye Südafrika Community e.V. had the proud and unique opportunity of hosting Prof. Zimitri Erasmus of Wits University in Johannesburg.
Homage to Hugh Ramapolo Masekela

Paying homage to Bra Masekela – as he was popularly known to many – is much more than just paying tribute and respect to his music and musical abilities. Although that in itself is probably his greatest achievement as a human being,
2018, the Centenary Year of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

In South Africa – and indeed the world – the Mandela persona is associated with integrity, perseverance, a profound understanding of humankind, and the ability to lead and learn.
Krotoa, heritage formation and Khoisan indigenous identity in post-apartheid South Africa

Join us to a talk and discussion with Dr. Duane Jethro on Monday, 9th October at 19:00 hour Duane Jethro is a PhD graduate of the University of Utrecht. His […]
In Remembrance of Hennie Serfontein, an Anti-apartheid Stalwart of Stature

It was with sadness that we learnt of the passing on – on 24 July 2017 – of Mr Serfontein, one of South Africa’s most outstanding political journalists and activists.